There were a couple of changes done by me to fix your code
Firstly, you were trying to pass localChanges
to parent which is getting initialized on each component load which is resetting your array. It is fixed by using
this.changesA.push({ ...obj });
this.changesB.push({ ...obj });
this.$emit("update:changesA", [...this.changesA]);
this.$emit("update:changesB", [...this.changesB]);
Secondly, in your firstObjects()
method, you were pushing an item at index on obj
this.changesB.push({ ...obj[i] }); //see i
which is wrong
Also, I think you want to call firstObjects()
only if the array is empty which can be done by simply putting an enclosing condition.
Fixed sandbox: https://codesandbox.io/s/live-stats-with-pause-on-route-change-lqmqo
There is the keep-alive; as shown in Vue documentation.
<component v-bind:is="statistics"></component>
Vue Documentation: