Result type must be constructible from value type of input range

Sure! Here’s an example of an HTML content in a div without the body, h1, and html tags, to demonstrate the construction of a result type from the value type of an input range:



In this example, we have an input range represented as an array `[1, 2, 3, 4, 5]`. To construct the result type from the value type, we define two classes: `MyValue` and `MyResult`.

The `MyValue` class is the value type and has a constructor to set the initial value. It also includes an example method called `multiply` that multiplies the value by a given number and returns a new instance of `MyValue`.

The `MyResult` class is the result type and has a constructor to set the initial value. It also includes an example method called `add` that adds a number to the value and returns a new instance of `MyResult`.

We then apply the result type construction to each value in the input range by mapping through the `MyValue` instances and creating `MyResult` instances.

Finally, we present the resulting `result` array as a JSON string and set it as the content of the HTML div with the id “resultDiv”.

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