[Django]-Restrict access to reset_password form of Django in PasswordResetView in case the user is already logged in



If you really want to modify the default views, one option would be to subclass them and use them in your urls.

In your views (using UserPassesTestMixin class):

from django.contrib.auth.mixins import UserPassesTestMixin
from django.contrib.auth.views import PasswordResetView

class MyPasswordResetView(UserPassesTestMixin, PasswordResetView):
    template_name = 'users/password_reset.html'

    # https://docs.djangoproject.com/en/2.2/ref/contrib/auth/#django.contrib.auth.models.User.is_anonymous
    def test_func(self):
        return self.request.user.is_anonymous

In your urls:

from .views import MyPasswordResetView


You should learn to read the linked docs to find your answers. It says here:

[โ€ฆ] you can set any of the parameters of AccessMixin to customize the handling of unauthorized users [โ€ฆ]

And under AccessMixin you can find the attributes and methods to redirect unauthorized users.


Multiple ways to do this; However, I think that the quickest solution would be to write a decorator:

def login_forbidden(function=None):
    actual_decorator = user_passes_test(
        lambda u: u.is_anonymous,
    if function:
        return actual_decorator(function)
    return actual_decorator

and use it to decorate the password reset views where you want to restrict access only to unauthenticated users:

path('password_reset/', login_forbidden(auth_views.PasswordResetView.as_view(template_name='users/password_reset.html')), name="password_reset")

Alternatively, you can override the actual views.


You can use {% if user.is_authenticated %} or {% if user.is_anonymous %} and put that directly in your template no need to modify the view:

{% if user.is_anonymous %}
# user is not logged in
{% else %}
# user is logged in
{% endif %}

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