It took me a while, but here is how I solved this…
let setupComplete = false;
let setupFailure = false;
let testContext = {};
function resetTestContext() {
Object.keys(testContext).forEach(function(key) { delete testContext[key]; });
function createTestContext(configureTestContext) {
beforeEach(() => {
jest.isolateModules(() => {
setupFailure = true;
testContext.vueTestUtils = require('@vue/test-utils');
testContext.vue = testContext.vueTestUtils.createLocalVue();
jest.doMock('vue', () => testContext.vue);
testContext.vuetify = require('vuetify');
testContext.vuetifyInstance = new testContext.vuetify();
if (configureTestContext) {
setupComplete = true;
setupFailure = false;
afterEach(() => {
setupComplete = false;
setupFailure = false;
return testContext;
What made this possible was the jest.isolateModules() method. With this approach, Vue and it’s prototype, and also Vuetify, are completely recreated and brand new with each test case.
For it to work, the test spec and the library containing the utility above may not ‘import’ Vue or any module which depends on Vue. Instead, it needs to be required in the configureTestContext() function or in the test case itself.
My test specs look like this:
import createTestContext from '@/scripts/createTestContext'
describe('sample', () => {
const testContext = createTestContext(function configureTestContext(testContext)
testContext.vueDependency = require('@/scripts/vueDependency').default;
test('demo', () => {
// I added a helper to more easily do this in the test context...
const sample = testContext.vueTestUtils.mount(require('@/components/Sample').default, {
localVue: testContext.vue,
vuetify: testContext.vuetifyInstance
import { shallowMount, createLocalVue } from '@vue/test-utils';
import Vuex from 'vuex';
const localVue = createLocalVue();
const { user } = require('./customer.mock');
const originUser = { ...user };
const resetUserData = wrapper => {
wrapper.setData( { userData: originUser } );
const TestComponent = localVue.component( 'TestComponent', {
name : 'TestComponent',
data : () => {
return { userData: user };
render( createElement ) {
return createElement( 'h3', 'hoy hoy' );
} );
describe( 'computed fields', () => {
afterEach( () => {
resetUserData( wrapper );
} );
it( 'isPrivatePerson should return false', () => {
wrapper.setData( { userData: { Contacts: [{ grpid: 'bad field' }] } } );
expect( !wrapper.vm.isPrivatePerson ).toBeTruthy();
} );
it( 'isPrivatePerson should return true', () => {
expect( wrapper.vm.isPrivatePerson ).toBeTruthy();
} );