Required a bean named ‘entitymanagerfactory’ that could not be found

Required Bean named ‘entitymanagerfactory’ not found

When the application tries to initialize or autowire the bean named ‘entitymanagerfactory’, it fails because the bean definition cannot be found. This error is common in Spring Framework applications that rely on a configuration file, such as XML or Java Config, to create and manage beans.

Possible Causes

  1. The bean definition for ‘entitymanagerfactory’ is missing or not properly configured in the application’s configuration file.
  2. The required dependency for ‘entitymanagerfactory’ is not available or not correctly added to the classpath.
  3. There might be a typographical error in the bean name or configuration.


  1. Make sure the bean definition for ‘entitymanagerfactory’ is present and correctly configured in the configuration file, such as application-context.xml or
  2. Ensure that all the required dependencies for ‘entitymanagerfactory’ are added to the project’s classpath. For example, if you are using Hibernate for managing the persistence layer, make sure Hibernate and its related dependencies are included.
  3. Double-check the spelling and naming of the bean in the configuration file. The bean name should match exactly with the one you are trying to autowire in your code.


Suppose you have a Spring Boot application with a configuration class named AppConfig, and you are trying to autowire the ‘entitymanagerfactory’ bean in a service class:

public class AppConfig {

    // Bean definition for 'entitymanagerfactory'
    public EntityManagerFactory entitymanagerfactory() {
        // Configuration for entity manager factory
        // ...
        return entityManagerFactory;

In the service class:

public class MyService {

    private EntityManagerFactory entitymanagerfactory; // Autowire the 'entitymanagerfactory' bean

    // Rest of the service logic
    // ...

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