You can use <template></template>
tag doesn’t render itself as an element, but you can use it for conditions and loops in vue.
<div class="container" id="ProbabilityTable">
<div id="v-for-object">
<template v-for="(data, key) in table(html)">
<thead v-if="key === 'header'">
// render table header
<tbody v-if="key === 'body'">
// render body header
Do a for loop for your header and your body separate then you don’t need to make an extra div or template.
<tr v-for="(row, headerKey) in table(html).header" :key="headerKey">
<td>{{ row }}</td>
<tr v-for="(row, bodyKey) in table(html).body" :key="bodyKey">
<td>{{ row }}</td>
The 2 snippets you posted are interpreted the same. And both of them are wrong.
As stated here https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/HTML/Element/table divs are not a valid content for tables. And because of this, every browser will interpret the error differently.
Solution: use valid HTML syntax and see if the problem persists.