Using FLoat Format Filter you can do this :
{{ value.context|floatformat }}
Particularly useful is passing 0 (zero) as the argument which will round the float to the nearest integer.
value Template Output
34.23234 {{ value|floatformat:"0" }} 34
34.00000 {{ value|floatformat:"0" }} 34
39.56000 {{ value|floatformat:"0" }} 40
I think you can use a custom filter in templates, like this:
from django import template
register = template.Library()
def remove_decimal_point(value):
return value.replace(".","")
And use it in template like this:
{% load remove_decimal_point %}
{{ val|remove_decimal_point }}
This depends a little bit on your implementation. Something like this should work in all cases:
total_price = 123.4567
stripe_price = str(int(round(total_price, 2) * 100))
This produces:
This first rounds to two decimals, multiplies by 100 and casts to integer and then string. Depending on your Stripe integration, you could skip casting to integer and string.
Skipping casting to int will produce a result like this:
>> str(round(total_price, 2) * 100)
>> '12346.00'
It will still work since Stripe strips everything after decimal, but maybe you don’t want those trailing zeros.
If you want to convert numbers inside template, then using custom template filter, as others have already pointed out, is an option.
def stripe_value(total_price):
return str(int(round(total_price, 2) * 100))
and use it in template:
{{ total_price|stripeconversion }}