[Django]-Relative imports require the 'package' argument


DJANGO_SETTINGS_MODULE is expected to be a Python module identifier, not a filesystem path. Looking at the django/conf/__init__py file, it seems that a relative path to your settings module won’t work there. You will need to move it below a directory listed in your sys.path, or you should add a parent directory to your sys.path and reference your settings module from there.



I came to this question via Google, so I’ll answer what helped me (not directly related to the question).

I use importlib to dynamically import sub-packages given by a string.

import importlib
module_name = 'subpackage.i.import'
special_module = importlib.import_module(module_name, package=None)

This simply has to be adjusted to

import importlib
module_name = 'subpackage.i.import'
special_module = importlib.import_module(module_name, package='my_current_pkg')


You can also get this error simply if you have a typo in where you’re specifying your settings file name.


you need to add your project path to sys path just like

os.environ['DJANGO_SETTINGS_MODULE'] = '../cloud_server.settings'


  1. may be the settings you set in uwsgi.py is not correct
  2. the settings path in uwsgi.py(XXXX is in the same dir as uwsgi.py):

    os.environ.setdefault(“DJANGO_SETTINGS_MODULE”, “XXXX.settings”)

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