With the help of a friend, I solved this.
I’m going to answer my question with some detail, because I am 100% sure someone is going to need to figure out how to do this later. Happy to save you the trouble.
I had to change my mental model about how this works.
I still send a request to the server with javascript, and the view returns the templated HTML.
However, and this is the important part, what I do is take the rendered HTML (from the response, what is returned with return render(response, "your_template.html", context)
) and replace that part of my page with that HTML.
Here’s the Javascript.
function getQuery(item) {
// Sends a request to the API endpoint to fetch data
let request = new XMLHttpRequest();
let method = 'GET';
let query = // omitted
let url = '/ajax/?' + query;
request.open(method, url);
request.onload = function () {
// the response is the rendered HTML
// which django sends as return render(response, "your_template.html", context)
let myHTML = request.response;
// This is the important part
// Set that HTML to the new, templated HTML returned by the server
document.getElementById('flex-container-A').innerHTML = myHTML;
and for completeness, here’s the view:
def ajax_view(request):
Server API endpoint for fetching data
context = {}
queryset = Form.objects
if request.method == 'GET':
query = request.GET.get('q')
# do some stuff and get some data
context['data'] = data
return render(request, "my_template.html", context)
Hope this helps you! This is a common pattern but not often mentioned so explicitly.