References to interface static methods are allowed only at source level 1.8 or above

In Java, references to interface static methods are allowed only at source level 1.8 or above. This means that in order to use interface static methods, you must be using Java 8 or a newer version of the language.

In Java interfaces, static methods were introduced in Java 8. These methods are associated with the interface itself rather than with any specific instance of a class that implements the interface. Interface static methods can be invoked using the interface name followed by the method name, similar to how static methods are accessed in classes.

Here’s an example to illustrate the usage of interface static methods:

      public interface MyInterface {
          static void myStaticMethod() {
              // Implementation of the static method
      public class MyClass implements MyInterface {
          // Implementing class members
      public class Main {
          public static void main(String[] args) {
              MyInterface.myStaticMethod(); // Invoking the interface static method

In the example above, the interface “MyInterface” defines a static method called “myStaticMethod”. The class “MyClass” implements this interface, and the class “Main” demonstrates how to invoke the interface static method using the interface name, followed by the method name.

It’s important to note that interface static methods cannot be overridden in implementing classes, as they are tied to the interface itself. They provide a way to define utility methods related to the interface without the need for an implementing class instance.

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