Referenceerror: you are trying to `import` a file after the jest environment has been torn down.

The “ReferenceError: You are trying to import a file after the Jest environment has been torn down” error occurs when you try to import a file in a Jest test environment after the environment has been destroyed. This typically happens when you have asynchronous code or callbacks that continue executing after the test has finished.

To understand this error further, let’s consider an example:

        // math.js
        export function add(a, b) {
            return a + b;

        // math.test.js
        import { add } from './math'

        test('add function should return the sum of two numbers', () => {
            expect(add(2, 3)).toBe(5);

In the above example, we have a simple math module with an “add” function. We import that function in our test file “math.test.js” and write a test case for it. However, if Jest finishes executing the test case before the imported module is fully resolved, it tears down the environment and you will encounter the “ReferenceError”.

To resolve this issue, you have a few possible solutions:

1. Use async/await to handle asynchronous code properly:

            // math.js
            export async function add(a, b) {
                return a + b;

            // math.test.js
            import { add } from './math'

            test('add function should return the sum of two numbers', async () => {
                expect(await add(2, 3)).toBe(5);

In this updated example, we make the “add” function asynchronous by using the “async” keyword. Then, in the test case, we use the “await” keyword to wait for the promise returned by the “add” function to resolve. This ensures that the import is fully resolved before Jest tears down the environment.

2. Use the “done” callback to indicate when the test case is complete:

            // math.js
            export function add(a, b) {
                return a + b;

            // math.test.js
            import { add } from './math'

            test('add function should return the sum of two numbers', (done) => {
                expect(add(2, 3)).toBe(5);

By using the “done” callback, we explicitly indicate when the test case is complete. This ensures that Jest waits for the callback to be called before tearing down the environment.

Note: If your test case is asynchronous, you can pass “done” as an argument to the test function and call it when your asynchronous code is complete.

3. Disable automatic test environment teardown:

            // math.js
            export function add(a, b) {
                return a + b;

            // math.test.js
            import { add } from './math'

            afterEach(() => {

            test('add function should return the sum of two numbers', () => {
                expect(add(2, 3)).toBe(5);

In this approach, we disable the automatic test environment teardown by using the “afterEach” hook and calling “jest.resetModules()” to reset the imported modules after each test case. This ensures that the environment remains intact even if the test case finishes before the import is resolved.

These are three possible solutions to handle the “ReferenceError: You are trying to import a file after the Jest environment has been torn down” error. Choose the one that suits your scenario best and adjust your code accordingly.

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