After trying many different methods to make a workaround for this issue, I ended up developing a hack that works for now I guess. But I really think there is a bug in Google API’s Authentication. I mean if you want to test it out, visit www.blesque.tv. You can see that now it works good. Slower than if I was hitting Google’s API directly, but works. I really didn’t change anything in my BigQuery Controller’s Authentication. I simply started executing it through a “subprocess” and then read the results of a query from “stdout”. But that’s not the fix, it is a hack. Google needs to fix the bug that is blocking me and I bet many others from being able to use Bigquery API the correct way. Code to my fix is below. Feel free to comment. I mean maybe someone still knows better way to fix this issue and I hope in the future Google will fix their API Authentication bugs. There is some conflict when authenticating from within the application running on Django platform when it tries to create a new token or acquire existing one. Bug basically that Google needs to fix.
My BigQuery Controller:
__author__ = 'igor_vishnevskiy'
#Gogle's API Refference page:
from oauth2client.service_account import ServiceAccountCredentials
from httplib2 import Http
from apiclient.discovery import build
import os
from googleapiclient.errors import HttpError
import random
import json
import sys
class BQController():
def __init__(self):
query = sys.argv[1]
print self.runQuery(query)
def authenticate_one(self):
configFile = "pass_to_config_file_containing_p12_key_client_email_and_project_id"
#Authorizing connection
with open(configFile, "r") as conConf:
filedata = conConf.read()
jsonData = self.getJsonContent(filedata)
KEY_FILE = jsonData["signin_credentials"]["key_file"]
self.PROJECT_ID = jsonData["signin_credentials"]["project_id"]
CLIENT_EMAIL = jsonData["signin_credentials"]["client_email"]
scopes = ['https://www.googleapis.com/auth/bigquery']
self.credentials = ServiceAccountCredentials.from_p12_keyfile(
CLIENT_EMAIL, KEY_FILE, scopes=scopes)
self.http_auth = self.credentials.authorize(Http())#ca_certs=os.environ['REQUESTS_CA_BUNDLE']))
self.bigquery = build('bigquery', 'v2', http=self.http_auth)
def runQuery(self, queryStr):
query_request = self.bigquery.jobs()
query_data = {
'query': (
query_response = query_request.query(
queryset = query_response['rows']
return queryset
except HttpError as err:
queryset = []
print('Error: {}'.format(err.content))
raise err
return queryset
def getJsonContent(self, jsonStr):
jsonData = json.loads(jsonStr)
return jsonData
Code that I used to convert stdout of BQController() into a queryset object that then I pass to my Django template:
def my_view(request):
subProcessResponse = runShellCommandWithLogReturnedAsString("cd /home/businessai/webapps/blesque_tv/trydjango19/product_upload/controllers/; python bigquery_run.py 'SELECT product_id as id, supplier_name as db_name, image_file as image_url, title, description as clean_content, msrp as marked_up_price, product_sku, price, ship_cost, drop_ship_fee, condition FROM products.doba_inventory LIMIT 10'")
queryset = eval(subProcessResponse)
context = {
"object_list" : queryset,
return render(request, "template.html", context)
def runShellCommandWithLogReturnedAsString(commandAsStr):
logToReturn = ""
popen = subprocess.Popen(commandAsStr, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.STDOUT, shell=True)
lines_iterator = iter(popen.stdout.readline, b"")
for line in lines_iterator:
logToReturn = logToReturn + str(line)
except Exception,e:
print e
return logToReturn
Have you considered using the Python API client to query BQ?
There’s a code sample here you can check out to get an idea of how to use it. While this may not directly solve your issue, the Python client may give a more verbose error.
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