Reading converted rss to json file with chart.js not working


Basically the answer is that document.getElementById("json") just gives you an HTML element. If you want the contents of that element, use document.getElementById("json").innerHTML.

However, the contents of innerHTML will be a string, not a Json object. If you want the contents of myData to be a Json object rather than just text formatted to look like Json, you would need to use JSON.parse() on that, or just do something more like:

var myData = <?php echo $json; ?>;


var myData = [ <?php echo $json; ?> ];

Not sure what the array part is for, but maybe you need it.


It looks like you’re pulling in the DOM element into an array?

Have you tried: data = JSON.parse(document.getElementById(“json”).innerHTML)

That should pull in the JSON string, and then parse it if it was properly stringified (and not an object, else you’ll get an error).

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