‘”react-router-dom”‘ has no exported member named ‘routes’. did you mean ‘route’?

An error has occurred: “'react-router-dom' has no exported member named ‘routes‘. Did you mean ‘route‘?”

This error usually occurs when you try to import or access the routes object from the react-router-dom library, but there is no exported member with that name. It suggests that you might have made a mistake in the import statement or you are trying to access a non-existent member.

The correct export from react-router-dom is Route, not routes. The Route component is used to define routes in a React application.

Here’s an example of how to import and use the Route component in a React application:

    {`import { Route } from 'react-router-dom';

function App() {
  return (

My React Application

); } function Home() { return

Welcome to the Home page!

; } function About() { return

About Us

; } function Contact() { return

Contact Us

; }`}

In the above example, we are importing the Route component from react-router-dom and using it to define different routes in the application. The exact prop is used to make sure the route matches exactly, and the component prop is used to specify the component to render for that route.

Make sure to replace the Home, About, and Contact components with your own components.

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