React-leaflet marker icon not showing

When working with react-leaflet, if the marker icon is not showing up, there could be a few reasons for this. Let’s go over some possible solutions and examples.

1. Verify the Icon Import

Make sure you have imported the necessary dependencies correctly. The standard way to use custom marker icons is to import them from an SVG or PNG file. Here’s an example of how to import a marker icon from an SVG file:

            import { Icon } from 'leaflet';
            import myIcon from './path/to/my-icon.svg';

            const markerIcon = new Icon({
                iconUrl: myIcon,
                iconSize: [24, 24], // set the size of the icon

            // Use it in your Marker component
            <Marker position={position} icon={markerIcon} />

2. Check the Icon Path

Ensure that the path to the icon file is correct. Sometimes, the issue might simply be a wrong or missing file path. Verify that the icon file exists in the specified path and is accessible.

3. Use the Correct Version of Leaflet

Make sure you are using the correct version of react-leaflet that is compatible with your version of leaflet. There might be compatibility issues if the versions are mismatched. See the official documentation of react-leaflet for the supported versions.

4. Check for CSS Conflicts

Sometimes, CSS conflicts can cause marker icons to not display correctly. Inspect the marker element in your browser’s dev tools and check for any CSS properties that might be overriding the icon’s style. Try adding custom CSS styles to specifically target your marker icons if necessary.

5. Try a Default Icon

As a last resort, try using a default marker icon provided by Leaflet or react-leaflet to see if it renders correctly. This can help isolate the issue further and narrow down the possible causes. Here’s an example using the default icon:

            import { Icon } from 'leaflet';
            import 'leaflet/dist/leaflet.css';

            const markerIcon = new Icon({
                iconUrl: require('leaflet/dist/images/marker-icon.png').default,
                iconSize: [24, 36],

            // Use it in your Marker component
            <Marker position={position} icon={markerIcon} />


These are some possible solutions to troubleshoot when the marker icon is not showing up in react-leaflet. Ensure that you have correctly imported the icon, check the path, use compatible versions, resolve CSS conflicts, and try default icons if needed.

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