[Django]-"No installed app with label 'admin'" running Django migration. The app is installed correctly


The Django doc makes it clear:

When writing a RunPython function that uses models from apps other than the one in which the migration is located, the migration’s dependencies attribute should include the latest migration of each app that is involved, otherwise you may get an error similar to: LookupError: No installed app with label ‘myappname’ when you try to retrieve the model in the RunPython function using apps.get_model().

Code example:

# Imports are omitted for the sake of brevity

def move_m1(apps, schema_editor):
    LogEntry = apps.get('admin.logentry')
    # Other business logic here ...

class Migration(migrations.Migration):

    dependencies = [
        ('app1', '0001_initial'),

        # Below is the manually added dependency, so as to retrieve models
        # of 'django.contrib.admin' app with apps.get_model() in move_m1().
        # Currently this is for Django 1.11. You need to look into
        # 'django/contrib/admin/migrations' directory to find out which is
        # the latest migration for other version of Django.
        ('admin', '0002_logentry_remove_auto_add'),

    operations = [


Just check your settings.py in the project directory and make sure that you have added your app there :

# Application definition

        # My Apps

        # Default Apps 


I don’t know the exact cause for this. Will have to dig into the source code. but for now a workaround is add
('admin', 'name_of_last_migration_in_admin_app') to the dependencies and the migrations shall go alright.



I got the same error (but unrelated to the issue mentioned in question). I was using mysql db but there were no mysql client.


    'default': {
        'ENGINE': 'django.db.backends.mysql',
        # other details like name, user, host

I installed mysqlclient (In ubuntu & Python3):

sudo apt-get install libmysqlclient-dev
sudo apt-get install python3-dev
pip install mysqlclient


I was getting a similar error and I am a total novice programmer. One solution that worked for me was installing sqlparse. Try

pip install sqlparse


I also had this same error of “no installed app label ‘admin’ “. I was able to solve it by running the pip install sqlparse command


In my case, app name wasn’t added to the settings.py file under "INSTALLED APPS" dictionary


Try looking further up your stack trace too. I got this error due to a misconfigured logger but I had to look further up the trace to find this issue!

In my case I had misnamed my environment variable DJANGO_LOG_LEVL as DEGUB instead of DEBUG (note the misspelling) and that caused the error.


On the Installed Applications, make sure you have the app. For instance, I have Polls under the settings.py file.

Application definition



For me it shows

raise LookupError(message)

LookupError: No installed app with label ‘admin’.

and I solve it by pip installing every requirements manually I m using ubuntu 16.04


For my case the LookupError was occuring because I had altered the models and added ‘related_name’ but had not run makemigrations and migrate.


I got the error when I used ‘required=False’ in my model like this:
slug = models.SlugField(required=False)

I changed it to: slug = models.SlugField(blank=True,null=True) and the error disappeared


I also got this error after changing database from sqlite to postgresql and by installing
psycog2 (which is used to connect django to postgre database) my error has gone.

pip install psycog2


Had troubles with this too, all I did was upgrade pip and it seemed to fix itself tried installing other dependencies but turned out I already had them all so if you are in the same position try upgrading your pip!


The same thing also happened to me, but in my case the INSTALLED_APPS variable had been overwritten a few lines below in this file in the settings.py file.


create a virtual environment and install all the required dependency
or packages in virtual environment


I had faced the same problem. But after some analysis, I found that I didn’t put the newly created app name into my setting.py.when I placed it then it worked.
Your setting.py will look like this one :



You need to do makemigrations n migrate after you will not find this type of error

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