Update: I didn’t manage to fix the CORS issue with Axios, but I did manage to find a workaround for this. Instead of using the Axios library, I am using fetch
to call the API. Since all I need to do with my request call is to pass in parameters and get back data based on the parameters, my application works with fetch
. While I was doing my research, I saw that there may be issues or limitations using fetch
? But hey, it works for me so I’ll be sticking with this solution. Here is my code as reference for anyone:
return fetch('https://dev.jazz.com/api/stuff_goes_here', {
method: 'post',
body: JSON.stringify(<request object goes here>)
}).then((res) => res.json())
.then((data) => {
return data;
You’ve added the cors middleware but haven’t enabled it for OPTIONS requests
app.options('*', cors())
Try adding something like this to your server to enable it.
You can read further in the express docs here