You can obtain the Places
of a Persons
object with:
If you want to do this in bulk, you can work with:
qs = Persons.objects.select_related('adress').prefetch_related('adress__places_set')
this will load the related Places
in bulk, so you can fetch these with:
for person in qs:
You can do somethings like this but first you need to add related_name
in your Persons and Places Foreign key
class Persons(models.Model):
adress = models.ForeignKey(Adress,related_name = "persons_adress",on_delete=models.DO_NOTHING, blank=True,null=True)
class Adress(models.Model):
some_data = models.IntegerField()
class Places(models.Model):
adress = models.ForeignKey(Adress, related_name = "places_addres",on_delete=models.DO_NOTHING)
After this alteration you can now query
Adress.objects.filter(persons_adress__some_data = some_data,places_addres__some_data = some_data)
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