You have to use the update()
method which allows writing “multiple values to the Database at once” (see also here):
Here is an example on how you would do for the first case (“how do I not only add him to the players object, but also to the team_memberships object”).
var userObj = {
firstName: payload.firstName,
lastName: payload.lastName,
jerseyNumber: payload.jerseyNumber,
teamName: payload.teamName
var team_id = '....' //I don't know how you plan to get this value.
var newPlayerKey = firebase.database().ref('users').child(user.uid).child('players').push().key;
var updates = {};
updates['/users/' + user.uid + '/players/' + newPlayerKey] = userObj;
updates['/users/' + user.uid + '/team_memberships/' + team_id + '/' + newPlayerKey] = true;
return firebase.database().ref().update(updates);
Note: I don’t know how you plan to get the value of team_id
but most probably from the front end, since you have the teamName
👤Renaud Tarnec