[Answer]-Query filter based on GenericForeignKey's fields


  1. Instead of a list of ids pass a queryset to object_pk__in condition. Django is smart enough to translate this into SQL subquery so all expenses will be handled by SQL server which is smart too 🙂

  2. Use queryset’s in_bulk() method to get an easy accessible dict of Books.

So code will look something like this:

# just queryset instead of tuple of ids
books = Books.objects.filter(language=language).values_list('id', flat=True)
rating = list(HitCount.objects.filter(content_type=content_type,
                              .values_list('object_pk', 'hits')

book_ids = [r[0] for r in rating]

# dict of Books with book.pk as a key
books_d = Books.objects.select_related('manga').in_bulk(book_ids)

# list of tuples (book, hits) ordered by -hits
best_of_all_time = [books_d[pk], hits for pk, hits in rating]

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