[Vuejs]-Quasar q-checkbox does not get checked on data edit


I’m not sure if it’s a Vue3 change or not, but I could not get @input to trigger anything from a q-checkbox to save my life. This code was me trying to merge two q-table examples together, I wanted the expanding rows AND the checboxes multi-select down the left. If you start from the working multi-select and then add the expansion row, the expansion row substitution breaks the checkboxes, so I wanted to put them back in. I had to find another post about watchers to realize that I could use the array that was being updated by the q-checkbox to then trigger my custom code, the trick was to watch deep (like into the abyss…):

  //The array attached to v-model on my q-checkboxes
watch: {
 rChecked: {
  handler: function (val, oldVal) { 
    var x,intTrue=0;
    for(x=0;x<this.rChecked.length;x++) {
    if(intTrue==this.rChecked.length) {
    else if(intTrue==0) this.bCheckAll=false;
    else this.bCheckAll="maybe";
  deep: true

The quasar components:

  <template v-slot:header="props">
    <q-tr :props="props" :style="{'background-color':Theme.SideBG}">
        v-for="col in props.cols"
        :rowspan="(col.name=='name' || col.name=='location_path' || col.name=='last_value' ? 2 : 1)"
        <div v-if="col.name=='id'" style="display:inline-block;"><q-checkbox v-model="bCheckAll" /></div>

  <template v-slot:body="props">
    <q-tr :props="props" @click.stop="props.expand = !props.expand" style="cursor:pointer;">
        v-for="col, in props.cols"
        style="padding:4px 10px;"
        <q-checkbox v-if="col.name=='id'" v-model="rChecked[props.rowIndex]" />
        {{ col.value }} 

And no, this isn’t directly tied to the above, but this was a close match to what I was looking for so I thought I’d drop the solution here. Hope it helps someone else!

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