[Vuejs]-Quasar framework- VueJS


You need to define data props. Rows of data to display(:data) and you can customize the body of the table by using body slot. You can get index by using __index.

          title="Task List Of The Day"
          <template slot="body" slot-scope="props">
            <q-tr :props="props">
              <q-td key="project" :props="props">{{ props.row.project }}</q-td>
              <q-td key="activity" :props="props">{{ props.row.activity }}</q-td>
              <q-td key="remaks" :props="props">{{ props.row.remaks }}</q-td>
              <q-td key="action" :props="props">
                index: {{props.row.__index}}
                <q-btn color="red" dense flat icon="eva-trash-2-outline" @click="deleteabs(props.row.__index)"/>

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