Python -u -m launch –data-dir /content/drive/mydrive/sd

          <span style="color:#00F;"><?php ?></span>
            $command = "python -u -m launch --data-dir /content/drive/mydrive/sd";
            exec($command, $output, $return_val);
            echo $return_val;
            echo <pre>;
            echo </pre>;

This is an example of how you can execute a Python command using PHP. The given Python command is `python -u -m launch –data-dir /content/drive/mydrive/sd`.

In the code, we use the PHP `exec()` function to execute the Python command. The `$command` variable stores the command that needs to be executed.

The output of the command is captured in the `$output` array, and the return value is stored in the `$return_val` variable.

To display the return value and the output, we use the `echo` statement. The return value is printed using `echo $return_val;`, and the output is printed using `print_r($output);`. Wrapping the output in `

` tags ensures that the output is displayed in a pre-formatted manner.

Please note that this code snippet assumes that you have PHP installed and configured properly on your system.

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