Python subprocess run multiple commands



In Python, the subprocess module provides a way to spawn new processes and execute system commands. The `run` function from the subprocess module can be used to run multiple commands sequentially.


Let’s say we want to run two commands using the `` function:

  • Command 1: `ls -l` – list files and directories in long format
  • Command 2: `pwd` – print current working directory

To achieve this, we can use the `` function twice:

      import subprocess
      # Command 1
      result1 =['ls', '-l'], capture_output=True, text=True)
      # Command 2
      result2 =['pwd'], capture_output=True, text=True)

In this example, we import the `subprocess` module and then invoke the `run` function twice.

For each `run` function call, we provide the command as a list of strings. The `capture_output=True` argument is used to capture the output of the command, and `text=True` is used to decode the output as a string.

The `` function returns a `CompletedProcess` instance, which contains information about the command execution. In this example, we print the output of each command using the `stdout` attribute.

By running the above code, you should see the list of files and directories in long format printed first, followed by the current working directory.

Note: Make sure to adjust the commands based on your operating system.


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