Python restart script on user input

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Restarting a Python Script on User Input

In order to restart a Python script based on user input, you can use a loop that checks for the user’s choice to continue or exit the script. Here’s an example using a simple while loop:

import os

def restart_script():
    # Your script logic goes here
    print("Script is running...")

# Main program loop
while True:
    user_input = input("Enter 'c' to continue, or 'q' to quit: ")
    if user_input == 'c':
    elif user_input == 'q':
        print("Invalid input. Please try again.")

In the above example, the main program loop runs indefinitely until the user enters ‘q’ to quit the script. When the user enters ‘c’, the function restart_script() is called, where you can place your actual script logic. After the execution of the script logic, the control returns to the main program loop where the user can provide another input.

You can replace the print() statements inside the restart_script() function with your desired script functionality.

This is just a basic example to demonstrate the concept. You can modify it according to your specific requirements and structure your script accordingly.

Note that this example assumes you are running the Python script in a command-line environment.


In the above HTML content, I have included an explanation along with a code example of how you can restart a Python script based on user input. You can place this HTML content inside a `

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