[Answered ]-Python GeraldoReports – Format a summed value with commas


I found an answer after much trial and error ! In my example I have a field in a queryset called ‘jd_gross’ which I want to total in my report….I finally abandoned the action=FIELD_ACTION_SUM section and rolled my own

in my band_detail section I can display this field with commas with the following :

        ObjectValue(attribute_name='jd_gross', left=26.7*cm, width=1.7*cm, style={'alignment':TA_RIGHT}, get_value=lambda instance: intcomma(instance.jd_gross)),

The answer that works for me for the summary section however is to add to the :
def init(self, *args, **kwargs):
section, after the :
self.band_page_header.elements += [
I used the same concept to calculate my total, convert it to a formatted string and add a line as a System Field in to my summary section as follows :

    myset = self.queryset
    grosstotal = 0
    for myline in myset:
        if myline.jd_gross:
            grosstotal += myline.jd_gross
    ugrosstotal = intcomma(grosstotal)
    self.band_summary.elements += [
        SystemField(expression=ugrosstotal, top=1*cm, left=26.5*cm, width=1.9*cm, style={'alignment':TA_RIGHT}),

so my complete inherited report is now as follows :

class JobdetailsReport(DefaultReport):
title = ‘Job Details’
page_size = landscape(A4)

class band_detail(DetailBand):
        ObjectValue(attribute_name='jd_job', left=0.1*cm),
        ObjectValue(attribute_name='c_name', left=1.5*cm),
        ObjectValue(attribute_name='clientname', left=5.8*cm),
        ObjectValue(attribute_name='jd_return', left=10.1*cm),
        ObjectValue(attribute_name='jd_delivery', left=12.6*cm),
        ObjectValue(attribute_name='get_j_status1_display', left=15.1*cm),
        ObjectValue(attribute_name='get_j_status2_display', left=17.6*cm),
        ObjectValue(attribute_name='jd_prodref', left=20.1*cm),
        ObjectValue(attribute_name='userformalname', left=23*cm),
        ObjectValue(attribute_name='jd_gross', left=26.7*cm, width=1.7*cm, style={'alignment':TA_RIGHT}, get_value=lambda instance: intcomma(instance.jd_gross)),
    borders = {'bottom': True}

class band_summary(ReportBand):
    height = 1.7*cm
    elements = [
        Label(text='Records printed:', top=1*cm, left=0.5*cm),
        ObjectValue(expression='count(jd_job)', top=1*cm, left=5.6*cm),
        Label(text="Total Value:", top=1*cm, left=22*cm),
    borders = {'top': True}

def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
    super(JobdetailsReport, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs)

    self.band_page_header.elements += [
        Label(text="Job No.", top=0.8*cm, left=0.1*cm),
        Label(text="Client", top=0.8*cm, left=1.5*cm),
        Label(text="Delivery", top=0.8*cm, left=5.8*cm),
        Label(text="Return", top=0.8*cm, left=10.1*cm),
        Label(text="Delivery", top=0.8*cm, left=12.6*cm),
        Label(text="Physical Status", top=0.8*cm, left=15.1*cm),
        Label(text="Accts Status", top=0.8*cm, left=17.6*cm),
        Label(text="Reference", top=0.8*cm, left=20.1*cm),
        Label(text="Our Contact", top=0.8*cm, left=23*cm),
        Label(text="Gross", top=0.8*cm, left=27*cm),

    myset = self.queryset
    grosstotal = 0
    for myline in myset:
        if myline.jd_gross:
            grosstotal += myline.jd_gross
    ugrosstotal = intcomma(grosstotal)
    self.band_summary.elements += [
        SystemField(expression=ugrosstotal, top=1*cm, left=26.5*cm, width=1.9*cm, style={'alignment':TA_RIGHT}),

Hope that helps you ! It only took me several hours to get it to work……

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