Python f string latex

In Python, an f-string is a concise way to embed expressions inside string literals, using curly braces {}.

To format an f-string with LaTeX, you need to escape the curly braces by doubling them. This is because curly braces are also used in LaTeX for formatting purposes.

Here’s an example that demonstrates how to use f-string with LaTeX:

      name = "John"
      age = 27
      f_string_with_latex = f"\\textbf{{Name: \{name\}\\newline Age: \{age\}}}"

In the above example, the f-string contains LaTeX formatting commands. The double backslash \\\\ is used for a newline (\newline in LaTeX), and the double backslash with textbf is used for bold formatting (\textbf{name} in LaTeX).

When you run the code, it will output:

      \textbf{Name: John\\newline Age: 27}

This is the formatted string with LaTeX. The LaTeX commands are preserved, and the values of variables name and age are interpolated.

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