[Django]-Python Django Templates and testing if a variable is null or empty string



{% if lesson.assignment and lesson.assignment.strip %}

The .strip calls str.strip() so you can handle whitespace-only strings as empty, while the preceding check makes sure we weed out None first (which would not have the .strip() method)

Proof that it works (in ./manage.py shell):

>>> import django
>>> from django.template import Template, Context
>>> t = Template("{% if x and x.strip %}OK{% else %}Empty{% endif %}")
>>> t.render(Context({"x": "ola"}))
>>> t.render(Context({"x": "   "}))
>>> t.render(Context({"x": ""}))
>>> t.render(Context({"x": None}))
๐Ÿ‘คShawn Chin


This may not have been available when the question was posted but one option could be using the built in template filter default_if_none (Django Documentation Link).

For example:
{{ lesson.assignment|default_if_none:"Empty" }}

๐Ÿ‘คPeter H


If lesson.assignment is a model field, you could define a helper function in your model and use it:

class Lesson(models.Model):
    assignment = models.CharField(..., null=True, ...)
    # ...

    def has_assignment(self):
        return self.assignment is not None and self.assignment.strip() != ""

Then use {% if lesson.has_assignment %} in your template.

๐Ÿ‘คMike DeSimone


You can simulate it by using the cut filter to remove all spaces. But you should probably find out why it contains all spaces in the first place.


You can call any built-in methods anywhere in a Django template variable. For example, you can call the Python string method strip. So this will work:

{% if lesson.assignment.strip %}
๐Ÿ‘คDaniel Roseman


Here is a simple way to do this, from Django version 3.2

{{ lesson.assignment|default:"nothing" }}

This works for both cases (empty string and None object).

ref link: https://docs.djangoproject.com/en/3.2/ref/templates/builtins/#std:templatefilter-default

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