[Answered ]-Python/Django routing messed up when clicking a button


You should use a leading slash in the HTTP redirect response:

class AddFavoriteView(View):
    def post(self, request):
        review_id = request.session['favorite_review'] = request.POST['review_id']
        return HttpResponseRedirect(f'/reviews/{review_id}')

If you give the path a name, like:

path('reviews/<int:pk>', views.SingleReviewView.as_view(), name='review-details'),

then you can use redirect(…) [Django-doc] to determine the URL and return the proper HTTP redirect response:

from django.shortcuts import redirect

class AddFavoriteView(View):
    def post(self, request):
        review_id = request.session['favorite_review'] = request.POST['review_id']
        return redirect('review-details', pk=review_id)

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