[Fixed]-Python Djando easiest way to display url parameters


You can send that value in your context to the view.

Given an url like this:


url(r'^item/(?P<item_code>[0-9A-Z]+)', item_view, name="url_name")

And a view like this:


def item_view(request, item_code):
    ...  # Do something here
    context = {'item_code': item_code, }
    return render(request, 'your_template.html', context=context)

And then in your template you can use:


<p>this page is for {{ item_code }}</p>


In my opinion, the easiest way is to just use GET variables:

URL: http://example.com/item?code=ABC1234

def item(request):
    return HttpResponse("this is page for %s" % request.GET.get('code', 'default')

It’s quite flexible since you can add and use more variables without modifying your url pattern.

However this is not the prettiest method.


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