[Solved]-Python ctypes MemoryError in fcgi process from PIL library


I have temporarily fixed that error commenting the last line in this file $HOME/lib/python2.7/ctypes/__init__.py that is something like #CFUNCTYPE(c_int)(lambda: None).

That worked for me, but I don’t know exactly what is the problem.


In python 2.7.3 the line number is :279 not the last as I said above.

Since the line may vary between minor versions, you should look for a chunk of code that looks something like this:

# XXX for whatever reasons, creating the first instance of a callback
# function is needed for the unittests on Win64 to succeed.  This MAY
# be a compiler bug, since the problem occurs only when _ctypes is
# compiled with the MS SDK compiler.  Or an uninitialized variable?
CFUNCTYPE(c_int)(lambda: None)


try running this command:

setsebool -P httpd_tmp_exec on

fixes things for me on CentOS. Taken from this post:


Just to expand on eos87’s answer a bit, this does fix the problem for me as well, and judging by the comment before that line, it sounds like it was added as a workaround to a windows bug, but the workaround is apparently causing trouble of its own. Here’s the bit at the end of __init__.py:

# XXX for whatever reasons, creating the first instance of a callback
# function is needed for the unittests on Win64 to succeed.  This MAY
# be a compiler bug, since the problem occurs only when _ctypes is
# compiled with the MS SDK compiler.  Or an uninitialized variable?
CFUNCTYPE(c_int)(lambda: None)

It looks like it’s safe to remove.

FWIW, this issue showed up for me on a Centos 5.7 x64 box when using python 2.6 as installed (in parallel with python 2.4) from epel. The file was found here: /usr/lib64/python2.6/ctypes/__init__.py

Also note that the exception that shows up is a MemoryError which according to strace results from a segmentation fault immediately (though perhaps coincidentally) after a call to munmap; and it only shows up when running as FastCGI.


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