Python copy dataclass

When it comes to copying dataclasses in Python, there are a few different ways to achieve it. Here are the two main approaches:

1. Using the copy module:

import copy

class MyClass:
    value: int

original = MyClass(42)

# Shallow copy
shallow_copy = copy.copy(original)

# Deep copy
deep_copy = copy.deepcopy(original)

print(shallow_copy.value)  # Output: 42
print(deep_copy.value)  # Output: 42

The copy.copy method creates a shallow copy of the original object. It copies the object itself, but the references inside the object are still pointing to the original objects.

The copy.deepcopy method creates a deep copy of the original object. It recursively copies the object and all the objects nested inside it.

2. Using the dataclasses.asdict and dataclasses.replace functions:

from dataclasses import dataclass, asdict, replace

class MyClass:
    value: int

original = MyClass(42)

# Create a dict representation of the object
dict_repr = asdict(original)

# Create a new object from the dict representation
copied = replace(original, **dict_repr)

print(copied.value)  # Output: 42

The asdict function converts the dataclass object into a dictionary, where the keys are field names and the values are their corresponding values.

The replace function creates a new object with the specified field values. In this case, we pass the dictionary representation of the original object to create a copy.

It’s important to note that the second approach is more flexible, as it allows you to modify specific fields while creating the copy. In contrast, the copy module methods create copies with identical field values.

Both approaches can be used depending on the specific requirements of your use case.

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