Pytestconfigwarning: unknown config option: env

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        <p>pytestconfigwarning: unknown config option: env</p>
        <p>This warning is shown because pytestconfig receives an unknown or invalid configuration option called 'env'.</p>
        <p>If you're using Pytest for testing, it provides a configuration file called 'pytest.ini' or 'pyproject.toml' where you can define valid configuration options.</p>
        <p>To fix this warning, you need to remove or correct the 'env' option from your configuration file.</p>
        <p>Here is an example of a valid 'pytest.ini' file:</p>
            addopts = --verbose
            markers = slow
            filterwarnings = ignore::DeprecationWarning
        <p>In the above example, we defined valid options 'addopts', 'markers', and 'filterwarnings' under the '[pytest]' section. You can customize these options based on your requirements.</p>

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