Pytest stuck at collecting


When running pytest, if it gets stuck at collecting, it means that pytest is trying to find and collect all the tests in your project but unable to do so due to some issues. This can happen due to various reasons, such as:

  1. Incorrect project structure or file locations
  2. Missing or incompatible dependencies
  3. Incorrect naming conventions for test files or test functions
  4. Syntax errors or other issues in the test files
  5. Problems with pytest cache or configuration

To resolve this issue, you can try the following steps:

  1. Check your project structure and make sure your test files are in the correct location. By default, pytest looks for files starting with “test_” or ending with “_test”.
  2. Make sure all necessary dependencies are installed and up-to-date. You can use the command “pip list” to check the installed packages.
  3. Ensure that your test functions have the correct naming conventions. They should start with “test_”.
  4. Double-check your test files for any syntax errors or other issues that may prevent pytest from collecting them.
  5. If you have a pytest configuration file (pytest.ini or pyproject.toml), check its contents to see if there are any conflicting settings or configurations.
  6. Try clearing the pytest cache by running the command “pytest –cache-clear” in your project directory.

Here’s an example of a basic pytest test file:

        import pytest

        def test_addition():
            assert 2 + 2 == 4

        def test_subtraction():
            assert 5 - 3 == 2

In this example, we have two test functions: “test_addition” and “test_subtraction”. We have also used pytest markers to categorize the tests. Running pytest on this file should collect and execute these tests successfully if all the necessary configurations and dependencies are in place.

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