Pyodbc.programmingerror: (“a tvp’s rows must be sequence objects.”, ‘hy000’)

pyodbc.programmingerror: (“a tvp’s rows must be sequence objects.”, ‘hy000’)

The error message “pyodbc.programmingerror: (‘a tvp’s rows must be sequence objects.’, ‘hy000’)” is related to the usage of pyodbc library in Python.

pyodbc is a Python library that allows you to connect to databases using ODBC (Open Database Connectivity) API. It provides a simple and consistent interface to work with various database systems.


In the given error message, ‘tvp’ stands for “Table Valued Parameter”. A Table Valued Parameter is a special kind of parameter in SQL Server that allows you to pass a table as a parameter to a stored procedure or a function.

The error message indicates that the rows being passed as a Table Valued Parameter must be sequence objects. A sequence object is an object that can be iterated over, such as a list, tuple, or another sequence type.


Let’s consider an example where we want to pass a table as a parameter using pyodbc’s Table Valued Parameter feature:

import pyodbc

# Connect to the SQL Server
conn = pyodbc.connect('DRIVER={SQL Server};SERVER=your_server;DATABASE=your_database;UID=your_username;PWD=your_password')

# Create a cursor
cursor = conn.cursor()

# Define a list of rows
rows = [
    ("John", 25),
    ("Alice", 30),
    ("Bob", 27)

# Define the Table Valued Parameter
tvp = pyodbc.TableValuedParameter('dbo.PersonType', rows)  # 'dbo.PersonType' is the User-Defined Table Type in the SQL Server

# Execute a stored procedure with the Table Valued Parameter
cursor.execute("{CALL YourStoredProcedure(?)}", tvp)

# Commit the changes

# Close the connection

In the above example, we connect to the SQL Server using pyodbc, create a cursor, and define a list of rows. The rows contain information about persons. Then, we define the Table Valued Parameter using pyodbc’s TableValuedParameter class, specifying the User-Defined Table Type (‘dbo.PersonType’) in the SQL Server.

We execute a stored procedure “{CALL YourStoredProcedure(?)}” with the Table Valued Parameter as an argument. Finally, we commit the changes and close the connection to the database.

If we encounter the error “pyodbc.programmingerror: (‘a tvp’s rows must be sequence objects.’, ‘hy000’)”, it means that the rows passed to the Table Valued Parameter are not sequence objects. In the given example, the rows should be a list of tuples representing the person’s information.

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