Pydev unresolved import

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When encountering the “pydev unresolved import” error in Python,
it typically means that the IDE (Integrated Development Environment)
you are using is unable to locate or resolve the import statement
for a module or package.

This error commonly occurs in the PyDev plugin for Eclipse, which is
often used for Python development. It arises when the IDE cannot find
the specified module or package in the given search paths.

To resolve this error, you can try the following steps:

  1. Check Python installation: Ensure that Python is
    properly installed on your system and the required package is
  2. Refreshing the project: Right-click on the project
    folder in your IDE, navigate to “PyDev” and click on “Remove
    error markers”. After that, refresh the project by right-clicking
    on it and selecting “Refresh” or by simply pressing F5.
  3. Adding the package to PYTHONPATH: If the module or
    package is located outside of your project’s source folder, you
    need to add the corresponding directory to the PYTHONPATH. To do
    this, right-click on your project, go to “Properties”, click on
    “PyDev – PYTHONPATH”, and add the directory containing the module
    or package that you are trying to import.

Here’s an example to demonstrate resolving the “pydev unresolved
import” error:

    import sys

    import your_module

In this example, we are adding the directory containing the
required module to the system path using sys.path.append().
Then, we can import the desired module without any unresolved import


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