I had exactly the same issue and couldn’t find a definitive answer. Just invalidating caches didn’t work for me. The problem lies in the fact that, at some point, __init__.py
files got registered as text files and messed up the indexing. I worked out this fix:
- Preferences > File Types > Text Files.
- Remove
from the list of registered patterns. Apply. - Wait for your indexes to re-build.
- (If it’s still not working) File > Invalidate caches & restart.
GOTO File > Settings > Langauges & Frameworks > Python Template languages
Select Django in the Template language drop-down.
Jetbrains Docs > Python Template Languages
- Django. Error message for login form
- Django unable to find MySQLdb python module
- ProgrammingError: relation "django_session" does not exist
Nothing here worked for me but Enabling Django support in the settings did:
- Settings > Languages & Frameworks > Django
- Check of “Enable Django Support”
- Fill in the information for your project.
- TypeError: create_superuser() missing 1 required positional argument: 'profile_picture'
- Have a url that accepts all characters
- Sending a message to a single user using django-channels
- Could not import 'oauth2_provider.ext.rest_framework.OAuth2Authentication' for API setting 'DEFAULT_AUTHENTICATION_CLASSES'
- Django unable to find MySQLdb python module
Trivial solution that worked for me: start a new django project using pycharm project options. Try auto-completing using a django import module. If it works, switch back to your original project and auto-complete should be working fine.
I still don’t understand why this works.
- In python django how do you print out an object's introspection? The list of all public methods of that object (variable and/or functions)?
- What does it mean for an object to be unscriptable?
- Django template tag: How to send next_page in {url auth_logout}?
- How can I schedule a Task to execute at a specific time using celery?
I worked out this fix:
- Go to Preferences > Project:{YourProject} > Python interpreter.
- I saw that the field for “Project interpreter” said “2.7…”, but I was coding with python 3.4 and my project was created with python 3.4. Replace the version of python in the “Project interpreter” field with the Python version by means of which you have created your Django project. Apply changes and restart PyCharm.
- In python django how do you print out an object's introspection? The list of all public methods of that object (variable and/or functions)?
- Could not import 'oauth2_provider.ext.rest_framework.OAuth2Authentication' for API setting 'DEFAULT_AUTHENTICATION_CLASSES'
- What is the right way to use angular2 http requests with Django CSRF protection?
- Paypal monthly subscription plan settings for first day of the month and making monthly recurring payment – django python
you should just change your project interpreter if it is using anaconda or etc to standard python interpreter which may be located in this path (C:\Users\Administrator\AppData\Local\Programs\Python\Python37-32\python.exe)
- How to make follower-following system with django model
- How does django-nose differ from the default Django test-runner
- Django database synchronization for an offline usage
- What does it mean for an object to be unscriptable?
File--> setting--> project:your_project_name --> python interperter
change python interpreter
- Django's {{ csrf_token }} is outputting the token value only, without the hidden input markup
- Paypal monthly subscription plan settings for first day of the month and making monthly recurring payment – django python
- How can I disable a model field in a django form