[Django]-PyCharm Not Properly Recognizing Requirements – Python, Django


After seeing this phenomenon again, I did some more digging. After setting certain folders as source roots and restarting PyCharm, these reference warnings went away. I think this is a bug in PyCharm.


JetBrains claims that this is fixed in version 2017.2:


I can confirm this (in IntelliJ IDEA). Also, it’s worth double-checking that the correct requirements file is specified in Settings -> Tools -> Python Integrated Tools -> Package requirements file



This seem to be an open issue




PyCharm should be able to figure this out, but it doesn’t. For now, I just add # noinspection PyPackageRequirements to each import with this warning to suppress it. I’d rather not, but it works for now.


This issue can be fixed using the following commands in the terminal (using linux, not sure if this will work on windows, but I see no reason why it shouldn’t, I haven’t tried on windows.)

If you haven’t created a requirements.txt file already

touch requirements.txt

This should do the trick

pip freeze > requirements.txt
pip install flask

For better understanding, I recommend reading this


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