I had the same problem as well, and the fix in IntelliJ IDEA is not obvious (especially since there is no notification with a “fix-it” link for this problem).
You’ll find you need to set Settings to your Django project’s settings.py file in Project Structure > Modules > [your Django project’s name] > Django.
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You can go to the tool bar which shows a dropdown and select your project ->edit configuration. There in the Environment variable area enter DJANGO_SETTINGS_MODULE mysite.settings and save .
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I faced the same problem and proposed solutions did not work.
I solved it by going in "File > Settings…"
Then search for "Django console" and add the following Environment variable: DJANGO_SETTINGS_MODULE=mysite.settings
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- [Django]-Annotate a queryset with the average date difference? (django)
for new commers, below is the additional info’.
where you can find the place to set DJANGO_SETTINGS_MODULE in pycharm 2019.1 is:
config -> language and frameworks -> Django’s right pain.
the column just below the django project root you can cite your config file path.
and the environment variables column you can set DJANGO_SETTINGS_MODULE value.
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