Pyarrow.lib.arrowtypeerror: object of type cannot be converted to int


The error message “pyarrow.lib.arrowtypeerror: object of type <class ‘str’> cannot be converted to int” occurs when you try to convert a string (str) to an integer (int) using the PyArrow library.

This error commonly occurs when you are performing an operation that expects an integer data type, but you pass a string instead.


# Import the required libraries
import pyarrow as pa

# Define a string value
string_value = "123"

# Try to convert the string to an integer
integer_value = pa.int32(string_value)  # This line will cause the error

# Print the converted integer value

In the above example, we import the PyArrow library and define a string value “123”. We then try to convert the string to an integer using the “pa.int32()” function. However, since the function expects an integer input, it throws the “pyarrow.lib.arrowtypeerror” with the specified error message.

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