Py4jerror: org.apache.spark.api.python.pythonutils.getpythonauthsockettimeout does not exist in the jvm

py4jerror: org.apache.spark.api.python.PythonUtils.getPythonAuthSocketTimeout does not exist in the JVM

This error occurs when the Spark application cannot find the specified method getPythonAuthSocketTimeout in the PythonUtils class provided by the Py4j library. This usually happens due to a compatibility issue or incorrect usage of the library.

Here are a few possible reasons and solutions for this error:

  1. Py4j version: Make sure you are using the correct version of the Py4j library that is compatible with your Spark version. You can check the Py4j documentation or the Spark documentation to find the compatible versions. If you are using a different version, upgrade or downgrade the library accordingly.

    For example, if you are using Spark 2.4.0, it is compatible with Py4j 0.10.x versions. So, you need to use a Py4j version in that range (e.g., 0.10.8).

    Consider updating your dependencies and checking the compatibility matrix between Spark and Py4j versions.

  2. Class import: Ensure that you are importing the correct class in your Spark application code. The specified method getPythonAuthSocketTimeout should be present in the PythonUtils class.

    Here is an example of a correct import statement:

    import org.apache.spark.api.python.PythonUtils;
  3. Classpath and dependencies: Verify that all the necessary dependencies are present in the classpath of your Spark application. Sometimes, missing dependencies can lead to such errors.

    You can either manually include the required JAR files in the classpath or manage them using a build tool like Maven or Gradle.

  4. Code usage: Double-check the usage of the Py4j library methods in your code. Make sure you are calling the correct method and providing the required arguments.

    For example, check if you are calling PythonUtils.getPythonAuthSocketTimeout() with the correct parameter types and values.

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