Strings in Django templates are automatically escaped. You don’t want your raw HTML to be auto-escaped, so you should either pass the string to the safe
{{ message|safe }}
or disable autoescape with the autoescape
{% autoescape off %}
{{ message }}
{% endautoescape %}
If you don’t want to turn off autoescaping on all messages/templates, you can use mark_safe for that particular message:
from django.utils.safestring import mark_safe
messages.info(request, mark_safe("My message with an <a href='/url'>hyperlink</a>"))
And if you maybe have some unsafe parts of your message, you can use cgi.escape to escape those parts.
from cgi import escape
messages.info(request, mark_safe("%s <a href='/url'>hyperlink</a>" % escape(unsafe_value)))
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From https://docs.djangoproject.com/en/dev/ref/utils/#django.utils.html.format_html, another option would be to use format_html
which will apply escaping to (unsafe) arguments, similar to the escaping in the Template system.
from django.utils.html import format_html
messages.info(request, format_html("My {} <a href='/url'>{}</a>", some_text, other_text))
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