[Vuejs]-Pusher ChatKit – rooms and roomSubscriptions – how to detect new messages


Unfortunately, this is the only way right now. In Pusher ChatKit, every action depends on the current user & the user’s subscription to rooms. A user is not necessarily subscribed to a room s/he is a member of.
It has both pros and cons.
But for now I can say, you can just set the messageLimit: 0 . This will not fetch all messages while you load the page for the first time.
Rather fetch messages when a user clicks on a room to see the messages by using the following method:

                roomId: room.id,
                hooks: {
                    onNewMessage: (message) => {
                        // do something with the message
                    onUserStartedTyping : (user) => {
                        // do something with the user
                    onUserStoppedTyping : (user) => {
                        // do something with the user
                messageLimit: 10

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