Puppeteer Docker for arm64
Puppeteer is a powerful tool that provides a high-level API to control headless Chrome or Chromium browsers. Docker, on the other hand, is a platform that allows developers to build, package, and distribute applications as lightweight containers. When working with Puppeteer on an arm64 architecture (a 64-bit ARM-based system), running it inside a Docker container can be a convenient approach. Here’s how you can accomplish it:
- First, ensure that you have Docker installed on your arm64 machine. You can follow the official Docker documentation for the installation steps specific to your operating system.
- Create a new directory for your Puppeteer Docker project. Open a terminal and navigate to that directory.
- Create a new file named “Dockerfile” in the directory. This file will contain the instructions to build the Docker image.
FROM arm64v8/node:latest
RUN apt-get update && apt-get install -y \
libx11-xcb-dev \
libxtst-dev \
libnss3 \
libgtk-3-0 \
libxss1 \
libasound2 \
COPY package.json package-lock.json ./
RUN npm install --production
COPY . .
CMD ["npm", "start"]
In this Dockerfile:
- We start from the official arm64v8/node Docker image, which provides a base environment for running Node.js applications on arm64.
- We install the necessary dependencies for Puppeteer and headless Chrome to run smoothly on an arm64 architecture.
- We set the working directory to “/app” and copy the package.json and package-lock.json files. Then, we run the npm install command to install the project’s dependencies.
- Finally, we copy the rest of the project files and define the command to start the application (change it to match your project’s entry point).
- Save and close the Dockerfile.
- Now, you can build the Docker image by running the following command in the terminal:
docker build -t my-puppeteer-app .
This command will build the Docker image using the Dockerfile in the current directory and assign it the name “my-puppeteer-app” (you can change it to your preferred name).
- Once the image is built, you can create and run a Docker container using the following command:
docker run --name my-puppeteer-container my-puppeteer-app
This command will create a new Docker container from the image and assign it the name “my-puppeteer-container” (you can change it to your preferred name). The container will start executing the command specified in the Dockerfile’s CMD instruction, such as running the npm start command to start your Puppeteer application.
Now, you have a Docker container running Puppeteer on your arm64 system. You can interact with the Puppeteer API or execute scripts to control the headless Chrome browser within the container.
- Property was accessed during render but is not defined on instance
- Pages must fill the whole viewpager2
- P-calendar width
- Property ‘tobeinthedocument’ does not exist on type
- Package android.test does not exist
- Process.env.react_app_api_key undefined
- Prematurely reached end of stream
- Puppeteer disable webrtc