Psycopg2.errors.invalidtextrepresentation: invalid input syntax for type integer:

The error psycopg2.errors.invalidtextrepresentation: invalid input syntax for type integer: occurs when you try to use a string value as an integer in PostgreSQL.

To explain it with an example, let’s say you have a PostgreSQL table ‘users’ with two columns – ‘id’ (integer) and ‘name’ (text).

If you try to insert a new row with an invalid value for the ‘id’ column, such as an empty string or a non-numeric value, you will encounter this error.

For example, running the following query would trigger the error:

INSERT INTO users (id, name) VALUES ('abc', 'John Doe');

In this case, ‘abc’ is not a valid integer representation, hence the error is thrown.

To resolve the error, make sure the value you are providing for the integer column is a valid integer representation. In the above example, you should provide a valid integer for the ‘id’ column.

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