[Vuejs]-Proxy key syntax in vue.config.js


Internally, the Vue.js CLI uses http-proxy-middleware. According to their docs, they use a globbing library called micromatch. Here is their documentation on the syntax: https://github.com/micromatch/micromatch#matching-features. The ^ represents an assertion that you are replacing the start of the path. That means that if you have a path /foo/bar/api/stuff, then the /api won’t be removed from the path, however, if you have /api/foo/bar, it would result in /foo/bar. This syntax is however optional to specify and would work without it. It just makes the starting assertion explicit. Here is more information about the start assertion in micromatch‘s source code and documentation: https://github.com/micromatch/picomatch/blob/5467a5a9638472610de4f30709991b9a56bb5613/lib/constants.js?q=%5E#L92, https://github.com/micromatch/picomatch/tree/5467a5a9638472610de4f30709991b9a56bb5613#matching-special-characters-as-literals.

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