[Vuejs]-Protractor – "More than one element found for locator" when using by.id


Try printing the source code at this time and you will fine out how many elements are in DOM with similar id


Try this one

element(by.css('input[type = "text"]'))


Finally found the answer after frustrating 10 hours of digging through.

  1. Set “:name” for . Don’t set “:id”. Like this :name=”currentField.id”
  2. In Protractor code, use the name to fetch the element. Like this –
    var inputtxt=element(by.css(“input[name=’txt1′]”));

  3. Don’t use getText(), it behaves weird, return empty. Use inputtxt.getAttribute(‘value’)) where “value” is the underlying field assigned to “v-model”

  4. IMPORTANT – allow the page to load fully by setting browser.sleep(x ms). Else the element gets retrieved multiple times, protractor throws a warning “More than one element is located….”

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