Protoc relative path

protoc relative path:

The “protoc” command-line tool is used to compile Protocol Buffer files (.proto) into the corresponding language-specific code files. When dealing with relative paths in the context of using “protoc”, it refers to specifying the path of the .proto file in relation to the current working directory.

Here’s an example to illustrate the concept:

├── proto
│   ├── person.proto
│   └── address.proto
└── src

In the above directory structure, let’s say we are working in the “src” directory and want to compile the “person.proto” file located in the “proto” directory. Using a relative path, we can specify it as:

protoc ../proto/person.proto --java_out=.

In this example, “..” represents going up one directory level to reach the “proto” directory, and “person.proto” is the target file we want to compile. The “–java_out=.” option specifies that the generated Java code should be output in the current directory.

By using relative paths, you can easily reference files in different locations while working with “protoc”. Just be mindful of the current directory and the path relationships between files or directories.

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