Property ‘tobeinthedocument’ does not exist on type ‘jestmatchers‘.

To format the answer as HTML content in a div without the body, h1, and html tags, you can use the following code:


query- property ‘tobeinthedocument’ does not exist on type ‘jestmatchers‘.


This error message is related to using the Jest testing framework with the unexpected property ‘tobeinthedocument’ on an HTML element.
The error indicates that the property ‘tobeinthedocument’ is not defined or recognized within the Jest matchers for HTML elements.


Suppose you have a test case in Jest where you are trying to use the ‘tobeinthedocument’ property on an HTML element.
Here’s an example:

    import { render } from '@testing-library/react';

    test('Example Test', () => {
      const { getByText } = render(
Hello Jest
); const element = getByText('Hello Jest'); expect(element).tobeinthedocument(); // This line will throw the mentioned error });

In the above example, the test case tries to check if the ‘element’ variable is in the document using the ‘tobeinthedocument’ property.
However, since ‘tobeinthedocument’ is not a valid Jest matcher for HTML elements, it will result in the mentioned error message.

To fix this error, you need to use the correct Jest matcher for checking the presence or visibility of an element in the document.
For example, you can use the ‘toBeInTheDocument’ matcher provided by Jest’s ‘@testing-library/jest-dom’ package:

    import { render } from '@testing-library/react';
    import '@testing-library/jest-dom';

    test('Example Test', () => {
      const { getByText } = render(
Hello Jest
); const element = getByText('Hello Jest'); expect(element).toBeInTheDocument(); // Correct usage of matcher });

In this updated example, the ‘toBeInTheDocument’ matcher is used to check if the ‘element’ is present in the document,
and it will work without throwing any errors.


In the above code, I have created a div element that contains the error message, an explanation of the error, and an example scenario. The explanation provides details about the error message and its meaning. The example demonstrates a situation where the error occurs and provides a fixed version of the code.

Please note that the above code assumes that you are using React and the ‘@testing-library/react’ package for testing, along with the `render` function to render components for testing.

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