Property ‘tobeinthedocument’ does not exist on type ‘assertion‘.

To format the error message as an HTML content in a `

` and without the ``, `

`, and `` tags, you can use the following code:



In the code above, we create a `

` element with an `id` of “error” in the HTML structure. Then, using JavaScript, we target the div element using `getElementById` and store it in the `errorDiv` variable.

We define the error message in the `errorMessage` variable. Here, the error message is “Property ‘tobeinthedocument’ does not exist on type ‘assertion‘.” You can replace this message with your own.

To display the error message inside the `

`, we set the `innerHTML` property of the `errorDiv` to the error message. We wrap the error message with `

` tags to preserve the formatting and display any whitespace, such as line breaks, as it is.


Consider an example where we have a variable called `element` of type `HTMLElement`:

const element: HTMLElement = document.getElementById("myElement");
element.tobeinthedocument = "Some value";

When trying to access a property (`tobeinthedocument`) that does not exist on the `HTMLElement` type, TypeScript will throw an error.

Using the provided code, the error message "Property 'tobeinthedocument' does not exist on type 'assertion'." will be displayed inside the `

` element:

| Output |
| |
| Property 'tobeinthedocument' does not exist |
| on type 'assertion'. |
| |

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